Home apple Saïgon on iPhone 6 iOS 10.2.1

Saïgon on iPhone 6 iOS 10.2.1

Saïgon on iPhone 6 iOS 10.2.1

Saigon’s Jailbreak is now on beta 2r1, https://iabem97.github.io/saigon_website/ and it promises to jailbreak iPod Touch 6 (10.2.1), iPhone SE (10.2.1), iPhone 6/Plus (10.2.1), iPhone 6s/Plus (10.2.1), iPad Mini 4 (10.2.1) (Not tested), iPad Air 2 (10.2.1). I have an iPhone 6 on 10.2.1 and decided to give it a try.

Download Cydia impactor from http://www.cydiaimpactor.com/

Download Saigon.ipa from https://iabem97.github.io/saigon_website/

Login into your https://appleid.apple.com/account/home and create an app specific password.

Open Cydia Impactor and Drag and drop the Saigon.ipa into it. You will be prompted to enter your email (the same one you used at appleid) and your password, for this one, use the one time password you just create it.

Saigon should now be installed on your phone. Open it and you should see a Jailbreak button. Note that because this is a beta 2, and because the vulnerability that is based on is random, the jailbreak will probably fail a few times before it succeeds.

In my case, despite having a compatible device iPhone 6 on 10.2.1, after installing Saigon I was getting a message with Device Not Compatible. To solve this, I cloned the repo with Saigon’s code and compiled the .ipa myself:

~/D/Code ❯❯❯ git clone git@github.com:iabem97/saigon.git
~/D/Code ❯❯❯ ./compile.sh


compile.sh was failing with some cryptic errors, I found that xcrun –sdk iphoneos –show-sdk-path was using the SDK for iOS 11, instead, I manually run the commands:

~/D/Code ❯❯❯ $(which xcodebuild) clean build CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" -sdk /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS.sdk -arch arm64

~/D/Code ❯❯❯ mv build/Release-iphoneos/Saigon.app saïgon.app
~/D/Code ❯❯❯ zip -r9 Saïgon.ipa Payload/saïgon.app

I then impacted this IPA on my device, and magically my device was now supported! 🙂 For your convenience, this is the .ipa I created.



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